Metro Master Gardeners
Who we are
What we do
Community & Urban Horticulture
MG Community

OSU Extension

Farmers' Markets and Fairs

Master Gardener Clinics

Metro Master Gardener volunteers staff a variety of clinics at Farmers' Markets, plant sales, fairs and other events. Bring your plants, bugs, and questions and come visit with us get help with any of your home gardening activities.

Choose a link on the right to view location and other information or scroll thru the details link list below.

(Click link to display clinics on specific day)

Current Clinics

Click links below for more information

Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden Clinic—Mother's Day
Hollywood Farmers' Market—TBA
Pittock Mansion Clinic
Portland State Farmers' Market—TBA
Spring Garden Fair Clinics —May 3–4

Blue Lake
Blue Lake
Hillsdale Farmers Market
Tigard Farmers Market

Problems, questions, or suggestions? Contact:

OSU Extension Service Logo

Choose a clinic below

Farmers' Markets